Today is Sunday.
For the first time they took me out into the sun today.
And for the first time in my life I was aghast
that the sky is so far away
and so blue
and so vast
I stood there without a motion.
Then I sat on the ground with respectful devotion
leaning against the white wall.
Who cares about the waves with which I yearn to roll
Or about strife or freedom or my wife right now.
The soil, the sun and me...
I feel joyful and how.
Translated by Talat Sait Halman.
(Literature East & West, March 1973)
Bugun Pazar Bugun pazar. Bugun beni ilk defa gunese çıkardılar. Ve ben omrumde ilk defa gokyuzunun bu kadar benden uzak bu kadar mavibu kadar genis olduguna sasarakkimildamadan durdum. Sonra saygiyla topraga oturdum, dayadim sirtimi duvara. Bu anda ne dusmek dalgalara, bu anda ne kavga, ne hurriyet, ne karim. Toprak, gunes ve ben... Bahtiyarim... NAZIM HIKMET---------------------------------------------ANGINA PECTORIS If half my heart is here, doctor, the other half is in Chinawith the army flowing toward the Yellow River. And, every morning, doctor, every morning at sunrise my heart is shot in Greece. And every night, doctor, when the prisoners are asleep and the infirmary is deserted, my heart stops at a run-down old house in Istanbul. And then after ten years ALL I HAVE TO OFFER MY POOR PEOPLE IS THIS APPLE IN MY HAND, DOCTOR, ONE READ APPLE: MY HEART. AND THAT, DOCTOR, THAT IS THE REASON FOR THIS ANGINA PECTORIS- NOT NICOTINE, PRISON, OR ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. I look at the night through the bars, and despite the weight on my chest MY HEART STILL BEATS WITH THE MOST DISTANT STARS. NAZIM HIKMET[1948] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Comrades, if I don't live to see the day -I mean,if I die before freedom comes - take me away and bury me in a village cemetery in Anatolia. The worker Osman whom Hassan Bey ordered shot can lie on one side of me, and on the other side the martyr Aysha, who gave birth in the rye and died inside of forty days. Tractors and songs can pass below the cemetery - in the dawn light, new people, the smell of burnt gasoline, fields held in common, water in canals, no drought or fear of the police. Of course, we won't hear those songs: the dead lie stretched out underground and rot like black branches, deaf, dumb, and blind under the earth. But, I sang those songs before they were written, I smelled the burnt gasoline before the blueprints for the tractors were drawn. As for my neighbors, the worker Osman and the martyr Aysha, they felt the great longing while alive, maybe without even knowing it. Comrades, if I die before that day, I mean - and it's looking more and more likely - bury me in a village cemetery in Anatolia, and if there's one handy,a plane tree could stand at my head,I wouldn't need a stone or anything. Nazim Hikmet, 27 April 1953 Moscow, Barviha HospitalTrans. by Randy Blasing and Mutlu Konuk (1993) VASIYET Yoldaslar, nasip olmazsa görmek o günü, ölürsem kurtulustan önce yani, alip götürün Anadolu'da bi köy mezarligina gömün beni,Hasan beyin vurdurduguirgat Osman yatsin bir yanimda ve çavdarin dibinde topraga çocuklayipkirki çikmadan ölen sehit Ayse öbür yanimda.Traktörle türküler geçsin alt basindan mezarligin seher aydinliginda taze insan, yanik benzin kokusu, tarlalar ortamali, kanallarda su, ne kuraklik, ne candarma korkusu. Biz bu türküleri elbette işitecek degiliz, topragin altinda yatar upuzun çürür kara dallar gibi ölüler, topragin altinda sagir, kör, dilsiz. Ama bu türküleri söylemisim ben, daha onlar düzülmeden duymusum yanik benzin kokusunu traktörlerin resmi bile çizilmeden. Komsulara gelince, sehit Ayse'yle irgat Osman, çektiler büyük hasreti sagliklarinda belki farkinda bile olmadan.Yoldaslar, ölürsem o günden önce yani, öylece gibi de görünüyorAnadolu'da bir köy mezarligina gömün beni ve de uyarina gelirsetepemde bir de çinar olursatas mas da istemez hani.NAZIM HIKMET (1953) ----------------------------------------------------------Today is Sunday.
For the first time they took me out into the sun today.
And for the first time in my life I was aghast
that the sky is so far away
and so blue
and so vast
I stood there without a motion.
Then I sat on the ground with respectful devotion
leaning against the white wall.
Who cares about the waves with which I yearn to roll
Or about strife or freedom or my wife right now.
The soil, the sun and me...
I feel joyful and how.
Translated by Talat Sait Halman.
(Literature East & West, March 1973)
Akrep gibisin kardeşim,
korkak bir karanlık içindesin akrep gibi. Serçe gibisin kardeşim,
serçenin telası içindesin.
Midye gibisin kardeşim,
midye gibi kapalı rahat.
Ve sönmüş bir yanardağ ağzı gibi korkunçsun, kardeşim.
Bir değil,
beş değil,
yüz milyonlarlasın maalesef.
Koyun gibisin kardeşim,
gocuklu celep kaldırınca sopasını
sürüye katılıverirsin hemen
ve adeta mağrur, koşarsın salhaneye.
Dünyanın en tuhaf mahlukusun yani,
hani şu derya icre olup
deryayı bilmiyen balıktan da tuhaf.
Ve bu dünyada, bu zulüm
senin sayende.
Ve açsak, yorgunsak, alkan içindeysek eğer ve hala şarabımızı vermek
için üzüm gibi eziliyorsak
kabahat senin,
-demeğe de dilim varmıyor ama-
kabahatin çoğu senin, canım kardeşim
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